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School website communication

School Website Communication
School website communication

We can all appreciate how important school website communication is during times of COVID outbreaks. 

During these times we sometimes need to communicate messages to parents quickly and effectively. There are already a myriad of platforms schools can use to communicate with parents. So which is best?

Published: 30 August 2021.
Author: Neil Forrester.

Some schools use more than one app which can be very confusing for the parent receiving messages from all over the place. I know because I’ve experienced it! 🙂

I believe that school websites are the most important place to find up to date messaging relating to school open times, up coming events etc.

The school website design we provide includes a few key areas on the home page for letting visitors know of important messages quickly.

Message Ticker

The message ticker on the School Site Press website is great way for letting visitors know about something important. You can write a short sentence and link that message to a more detailed page on your website.

Home Page Slider

The home page slider is traditionally used to showcase important aspects about your schools website but it can also be used in the same way as the message ticker. The advantage to using the slider is that it allows us to use an image to create more impact. Ideally it’s best practice to only display 3 slides. If you display more messages than this people begin to forget what they have seen.

News Articles

If your message is important enough to warrant an article, you can write one up and add it to the News section on your site. Your article can include media like audio, video, PDF downloads etc.

So you see, if you educate the parents of your school’s children to always check the website for important information and updates, it will improve your schools SEO traffic rating and you might also be able to do away with a costly communication app in the process!


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