Learn how to edit the social media icons displayed on your website. Add or remove icons as required.
Every business including schools have social media accounts. Allow people to connect via social media by displaying follow buttons on your website.
Following this tutorial, you will be able to edit the header and footer social media icons on your displayed on your website.
Login to your website.
Go to this page: your-website.com.au/style-guide (replace your-website with your own).
When the page loads in click Enable Visual Builder to edit the page.
When the Visual Builder has loaded scroll down to the Header Modules and find the social media icons.
Hover over the icons module and click the gear icon.
A module settings box will appear.
Updating links of social media icons
- With the module setting box still open click the gear icon of the social media link you want to edit.
- Click the Link settings and add the URL for that platform. To find the URL simply visit your social media page and copy the URL from the browser.
Updating colours of social media icons
To change the colour click the Background tab of that social media icon.
- Click Global to choose from on of the global colours used on your site.
- To use a custom colour, click one of the existing Saved colours and adjust it.
Click the link for more information on updating global colours.
Using a default colour for social media icons
If you want to use the default colour for the social media platform, edit the icon and change it to something else and then change it back to the platform you want. This action will reset the icon colour to it’s default.
Readjust the icon order to your preference by dragging them into position.
When finished, click the green tick to save the module changes.
Next click the purple button at the bottom centre.
Then, click the green tick button to the right to save the page changes you just made.
Finally, click Exit Visual Builder top left to review.