Add extra curricular activities to your school website
Display a list of extra curricular activities on your School Site Press website.
Parents & guardians love to see a list of extra curricular activities their children can at school on their school website. Now it’s easier than ever for you to add them!
Published: 10 June 2021.
Author: Neil Forrester.
Tags: Editing Pages
Adding new club / activity
- Login to your website.
- Go to the Extra-Curricular Clubs & Activities page.
- Hover over an existing activity and click the + icon.
- When the Insert Module box appears select Add From Libraray.
- Select Extra-Curricular Blurb.
Editing the Extra-Curricular Blurb Module
- Hover over the module and click the gear icon.
- Under Text edit the title.
Edit the activity information and description. - Under Image update the activity image. Image size: 140px by 140px.
Saving the changes made to the page
Make sure you save the page to apply your updates.
- Next click the purple button at the bottom centre.
- Then, click the green tick button to the right to save the page changes you just made.
- Finally, click Exit Visual Builder top left to review and test.