Organise content with tags
Organise your website’s content using tags to group similar content together.
The fewer categories we use on your website, the easier it is for visitors to understand the structure and locate the content they are looking for by viewing related ‘tagged’ pages.
Published: 10 June 2021.
Author: Neil Forrester.
Tags: Editing Pages
Your website comes with the following tags in place
- Art
- Culture
- Drama
- Environmental Learning
- Excursion
- Extra Curricular Activity
- Fundraising
- Health And Wellbeing
- Music
- Sport
- Sustainability.
Adding more tags
To edit or add more tags do the following:
- From the Admin dashboard click Posts / Tags.
- The next page displays a list of tags.
- You can hover over a tag and click edit to edit the tag.
- To create a new tag simply enter its name.
- Don’t worry about the Slug or Description.
- The Slug (aka permalink) will be created automatically.
Applying Tags
Tags can be applied to Pages or Posts. When you edit a Page or Post scroll to the Tag section and apply the tags you want.